2024 Annual General Meeting

The 2024 BSCRA AGM will be held on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 8pm.  

Venue:  St Andrews Church, Northey Avenue SM2 7HF

This is a physical meeting NOT via Zoom

Summer 2024 Newsletter which includes the invitation to the AGM.


The Association's 53rd AGM  Wednesday 15th May 2024
at 8pm

  8.00  AGM Formalities
               Annual Report by the Chairman
             Balance Sheet and Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2023
             Election of Officers
             Election of Executive Committee
             Election of Accounts Examiner

The AGM formalities will be conducted according to the rules of the Association as shown on our website.  Members should take specific note of Rule 16 relating to nominations and Rule 17 on voting.

 8.30   Members’ Forum
            a)  London Cancer Hub - An update from Socius, 
                   (the developer of the site)

           b)  Update on other developments in our area
                 (New hospital, improved train service, 20mph zones etc)
           c)  Questions from Members

  9.45  Close  (Approximate timing)